Arab American Voter Project


Through voter engagement, education, and mobilization, AAVP helps the Arab and Arabic-speaking communities in Northeast Ohio to engage in the American political process, building collective power through civic participation and education efforts. In doing so, AAVP aims to increase the community’s visibility and representation, ensuring their concerns are addressed by their local, state, and federal representatives. Since 2022, AAVP has hosted a variety of programming, including a candidate townhall, educational workshops and registration drives. This Summer, AAVP will be deploying groups of grassroots canvassers to meet, educate and register the Arab American community to vote. Through this process, AAVP hopes to connect with more members of the community, understand their needs better and work to address these concerns and challenges using measurable methods of outreach and engagement.

Advocacy Areas

Advocacy Area #3
Advocacy Area #2
Advocacy Area #1